1. U.S. EPA Contracts Management Section
401 M Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20460
Contract Number: | 68-W9-9022 Awarded September 1999
Value of Contract over 3 years: | $1,569,888
Analytical services provided: | Chemical Analytical Services for
organics by GC/MS and GC/EC.
% Of Amount subcontracted: | None
Turn-around time: | 7,14,21 days for full data package/
EDDs and summary of results; if
requested in 48 hrs for VOA and
72 hrs for SVOAs and Pest/PCB.
2. U.S. EPA Contracts Management Section
401 M Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20460
Contract Number: | 68-W9-9023 Awarded September 1999
Value of Contract over 3 years: | $1,727,431
Analytical services provided: | Chemical Analytical Services for
organics by GC/MS and GC/EC.
% Of Amount subcontracted: | None
Turn-around time: | 7,14,21 days for full data package/
EDDs and summary of results; if
requested in 48 hrs for VOA and 72
hrs for SVOAs and Pesticides/PCBs
3. U.S. EPA Contracts Management Section
401 M Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20460
Contract Number: | 68-W9-9024 Awarded September 1999
Value of Contract over 3 years: | $1,879,192
Analytical services provided: | Chemical Analytical Services for
organics by GC/MS and GC/EC.
% Of Amount subcontracted: | None
Turn-around time: | 7,14,21 days for full data package/
EDDs and summary of results; if
requested in 48 hrs for VOA and 72
hrs for SVOAs and Pesticides/PCBs
4. U.S. EPA Contracts Management Section
401 M Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20460
Contract Number: | 68-D7-0005 Awarded January 16,1997
Value of Contract over 3 years: | $2,126,619
Analytical services provided: | Chemical Analytical Services for Low
Concentration organics in water
% Of Amount subcontracted: | None
Turn-around time: | 14 days.
5. U.S. EPA Contracts Management Section
401 M Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20460
Contract Number: | 68-W01-044 Awarded June 26, 2001
Value of Contract over 3 years: | $5,742,000
Analytical services provided: | Chemical Analytical Services for Low
Concentration organics in water
% Of Amount subcontracted: | None
Turn-around time: | 7,14,21 days for full data package/
EDDs and summary of results; if
requested in 48 hrs for VOA and 72
hrs for SVOAs and Pesticides/PCBs
6. U.S. Department of Treasury
Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Contract Administration Division
14th and C Streets, SW, Room, 705-A
Washington, DC 20228-0001
Contract Number: | 0373-96-600682
Value of Contract over 4 Years: | $101,000
Ending year 2000
Analytical services provided: | Water Quality (NPDES) and waste
% Of Amount subcontracted: | None
Turn-around time: | 10 days
7. U.S. EPA, Region III
941 Chestnut Street, Contracts Branch (3PM10)
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Contract Number: | 68-S6-3001
Type of Contract: | Delivery of Analytical Services
Award Price/Cost: | $ 2,802,615
Period of Performance: | July 6,1996-July 1999
% Of Amount subcontracted: | None
Analytical Services Provided: | Chemical analytical services for
Volatiles, Semivolatiles,
Pesticides/PCBs, TAL Metals by CLP
Protocols and Herbicides, TPH,
Cyanide, and TCLP by SW-846 Methods
Turnaround Time: | 35 days
8. Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC)
Carderock Division, Code 33111 GM
Bethesda, MD 20084-5000
Contract Number: | No.167-96-D-0014
Type of Contract: | Chemical Analysis Requirements for
Waste Water Management (Fixed Price)
Award Price/Cost: | $ 3,775,998
Performance Period: | July 23,1996 - July 2,1999
% Of Amount subcontracted: | None
Analytical Services Provided: | Analytical services for wide range
of parameters for organics (VOA,
SVOA, Pest/PCBs, Herbicides, Total
Petroleum Hydrocarbons), Inorganics,
Trace Metals and Wet Chemistry/Water
Quality Parameters and Microbiology
for Waste Water Management Branch of
NSWC, Carderock Division. The
samples could be from laboratory
research projects, shore process
streams or large numbers of Navy
9. U.S. EPA Cincinnati Contracts Management Division
Research Triangle Park
Contact Number: | 68-D-98-173
Award Price/Cost: | $ 438,060
Analytical Services: | Low concentration organics and inorganics
in drinking water samples
% Of Amount subcontracted: | 10
Turn-around time: | 45 days
Analytical Services Provided: | Analysis of Drinking water for trace
levels of metals, organics including
Haloacetic Acids from research projects.
10. Material Research Lab (MRL)
Fort Meade
Contract Number: | 840257380000
Type of Contract: | Special Analytical Services
Award Price/Cost: | $20,000/year
Period of Performance: | Open
% Of Amount subcontracted: | None
Turn-around time: | 5-15 days
Analytical Services: | Identification and quantitation of various
organic and inorganic trace metals in
complex matrices by ICP, AA, GC, HPLC and