Jim Milberger

Dr. Mohan Khare
President & CEO

Will Brewington
Organic Lab Manager

Jim Milberger
QA/QC Manager

Geoff Maloney
GC/MS Chemist

Barry Obrocki
GC Specialist

Habib Bajwa

Envirosystems, Inc.
Suite B102
9200 Rumsey Rd.
Columbia, MD 20145

(410) 964-0330
(410) 740-9306 fax

Mr. Milberger is a QA/QC Specialist and Senior Staff Chemist. He has over 14 years of experience in the environmental analytical field. He has 5 years experience as a group leader of the GC/MS laboratory Section with the State of Maryland. He has extensive experience and knowledge of  U.S.EPA methodologies SW-846, 500, and 600, and 8000 series. He has worked closely with Federal and State regulatory agencies in enforcement activities. 

His experience in includes GC, GC/MS, GC/MS SIM, HPLC, FTIR and sample preparation and clean up. His experience includes TCLP for organics and metals and ZHE for volatile organics. He has 4 years experience as the supervisor of the inorganic wet chemistry unit overseeing the analysis and characterization of samples for water quality and hazardous waste parameters.  Mr. Milberger has participated in training county and state personnel in organic sample collection and preservation techniques. He  reviews and validates QC data and works closely with the staff, U.S EPA, and contractors to resolve QA issues.  He is involved in the QA/QC aspects of inorganic and wet chemistry.

3>Professional Experience

Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometry. Analyzed environmental samples by GC/MS and GC/ECD in accordance with RCRA, NPDES, SWDA regulations. (SW-846, 8000, 600,  and 500 Series); Prepared and analyzed organic and inorganic samples by FTIR with ATR sample devices using Nicolet/Aldrich and Georgia State Crime Libraries. Has written software to assist in sample analysis using Basic, DX,  and SUPERINCOS. Analyzed samples for inorganics using VIS/UV colorimetric techniques including cyanide, sulfide, and acid anions. Performed GC/MS analysis on both Finnigan and HP/MSD systems for VOCS and SVOCS. Developed HPLC methods for the analysis of PAHs in water and wastewater.  Developed acquisition DX macros for real-time FTIR/HPLC analysis of Appendix 9 organic compounds.  Generated Quattro Pro and Excel spreadsheet macros for QC and data analysis. Developed basic programs for automated colorimetric analysis by UV/VIS.  Primary responsible for resolving QA issues and QC monitoring of CLP program.


B.S. Frostburg State College, Frostburg, MD
Chemistry, and Physical Science


Previous Experience

Envirosystems, Inc., Columbia, MD
   QA/QC Officer
   GC/MS Specialist


State of Maryland, Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene, Baltimore, MD
   Head of Dept. Environmental Convervation Toxics/Organics Section
